Falcon Heritage Forum Sept 08

E-mail received 8 August 2009 from Korean-era LTM Jerry Minton: 

"Jay, In September '08 the U.S. Air Force Academy held a Falcon Heritage Forum - "Korea: The Unresolved Conflict."  A Headhunter/Juvat Mini Reunion took place while we were there.

In the individual photos left to right are Lt Col Van "Al" Wimmer (CC 80th June '06-June '07), Capt. Jerry Minton USAFR (Ret.) (Korea '52-'53)

In the group photos left to right are "Al" Wimmer, Maj. Melissa May (Chief of Combat Plans, 80th 2000); Chaplain, Maj. (now Lt Col) George "Saul" Youstra (Sq. Chaplain '04-'05); Jerry Minton; and Col (Ret) Denny Rae (three tours in Korea, last as Vice Commander 8th Fighter Wing "Wolf Pack", at Kunsan AB).

Attending the Mini Reunion but not in the photos were Col Harold "Hal" Fischer; Lt Col Matt Chesnutt (80th Ops Officer '04-'05); Maj. Jeff Mustin, and 1/Lt Ted Platz, Jr. (Korea '52-'53).



Here are those four photos from Jerry--thanks!


MSgt R. Hockenberry


Headhunters in Lafayette Oct 08