Gary Asher Painting, Nov. 2001

Painting by Gerry Asher

1 November 2001

Gerry writes:

"I just finished a painting for Korean War Headhunter Jerry Minton, titled 'The 23rd Psalm.  It depicts an armed recce hop (the 94th mission of his tour) he flew the night of 7-8 January 1953. Searching Purple Route 4 north from Pyongyang, he picked up a southbound truck convoy and started to reverse course to make the run just south of Sinanju. As he started the turn, the radar-controlled searchlights defending Sinanju's bridge complex kicked on and sent Jerry's blood pressure up a point or two. Jamming everything into the corner, he tightened his diving turn and evaded the searchlight battery, and dropped his ordnance on the convoy. The title was my choice, as Minton admitted that throughout his tour, this mission was the one where he felt God's protective hand the most. The painting is oil on canvas, and measures 20" x 24".

Gerry is also one of our active members, and we thank him for sending this in to us.



Wall Hanging and Pillow by Hattie Anderson


Kirby and Hal Fisher, Sept 2000