USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB

Dick Jonas, Headhunter and song writer/balladeer, and wife Mary spent a day at the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB this summer.  While there, Dick found this Itazuke Tower display showing the actual sign from the tower and the original words to this famous fighter pilot song of the same name.  Unknown to us, the author of this song, Lt William F. "Romeo" McCrystal, was in our 80th Fighter Squadron when he wrote the song in late 1948.  Bill McCrystal has become a LifeTime Member of our Association.Dick located our Squadron plaque that we dedicated during the Cincinnati Reunion in September 1996.  Our plaque looks as great today as it did brand new 6 years ago. The dedication speech with photos can be seen on the Cincinnati Reunion Page.  For more information on Dick's outstanding military songs, please visit his web site.  Our thanks to Dick for sending in these photos.

Itazuke sign

words to Itazuke



The Only One Standing


Wall Hanging and Pillow by Hattie Anderson