Clark AB, Jan 1989

MSgt Dave Carlton sent this information to us on 18 January 2010: "I took this picture of our F-16s on the tarmac of Clark AB in the PI in Jan 1989.  We participated in the COPE-T exercise.  It was just before dawn, about 4:30 AM.  We had been up all night working a maintenance problem and had just finished.  I named the picture 'At Ease'.  We had been practicing for days in preparation for live missile shoots with the AIM-9.  This picture shows the planes at the ready with the Crew Chiefs starting their pre-flights.  Ever vigilant, always ready for a fight, Juvats!"

F-16s on the tarmac of Clark AB in the PI in Jan 1989


AF Fighter Weapons Meet, Oct 1971


Les Bell - Scott O’Grady Rescue