Aces in 1944

McGuire, Robbins, Homer pose jap wreckage at Hollandia Dutch New Guinea cMay 1944

This historic photo was sent in to us in April 2007 by Bob Rocker.

(L-R) Aces Maj Tommy McGuire (38); Maj Jay T. Robbins (22); and Cy Homer (15) standing before wreckage of Japanese aircraft at Hollandia cMay 1944.

Maj Thomas B. "Tommy" McGuire was the top Ace of the 475th FG and the USA's 2nd leading Ace with 38 confirmed aerial victories--2nd only to Dick Bong's 40.  He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions on 25 and 26 December 1944 when he shot down 3 and 4 enemy aircraft respectively.  Unfortunately, he never lived to receive it, as he was lost on 7 Jan 1945.  While responding to a call for help from one of his flight members, Tommy over-pulled his P-38 into a tight left turn, stalled, and snapped-rolled.  He was last seen in an inverted 30-degree dive just above the jungle. 

Tommy and Kirby were tent mates for many months when both were in the 431st FS, 475 FG "Satan's Angels"

Tally Record

  • 38 Confirmed

  • 2 Probable

  • 3 Damaged


  • Medal of Honor

  • Distinguished Service Cross

  • Silver Star 2 Oak Leaf Clusters

  • Distinguished Flying Cross 4 OLCs

  • Purple Heart 1 OLC

  • Air Medal 14 OLCs

Maj Jay T. "Cock" Robbins completed his tour as the top Ace of the 8th FG with 22 confirmed kills.  He went on to retire as a Lt Gen and was an LTM and reunion regular of our Headhunters Association.  He passed away 3 March 2001.

Capt Cyril F. "Cy" Homer completed his tour in the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) with 15 confirmed kills.  He reunited with his Squadron buddies for the first Squadron reunion in 1970 in Jackson Hole, WY, and in Oshkosh, WI in 1973.  Cy passed away in 1975.  He was widely known as an outstanding pilot.

These 3 men account for the downing of over 75 enemy aircraft in little over 18 months.


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