Hanoi Taxi video

The Hanoi Taxi

The Hanoi Taxi (tail #66-0177) was retired from active service in May 2006.  She was the last of the 285 C-141s built by Lockheed to leave active service.  She flew 100 POWs out of Hanoi on 12 February 1973, some of them tasting freedom for the first time in six years.  Each POW put their shot-down date on the face of the oxygen panel during their flight to Clark AB in the Philippines.  For her retirement ceremony, the POWs she brought home were brought back for the ceremony and one last flight by this gracious lady.  They are aging now, but their enthusiasm, emotions, and excitement were evident during this flight and retirement ceremony.  She was then flown to Dayton, OH where she will spend her final days in the Air Force Museum.  A very touching video - Be sure to turn on the sound.



Vietnam Photo Gallery


Hanoi Jane