Jaybird in 1979 & 1980

These two were given to JayBird at the Mesa Reunion in April 2004 by Joan Fudala.  I never knew these photos existed!  Joan, who is the wife of Gene Fudala, worked in 8th TFW HQ in 1979-1980 when Gene and I were in the 80th together.  My many thanks go out to Joan for these two personal photos!

Jaybird (R) being congratulated by Dick "Batman" Swope (C) Sq Ops Officer and Mike "Smiley" deloney after landing and reaching 4000 flying hours milestone. November 2, 1979

Jaybird (L) turning over the Squadrron to Dick Swope (with Guideon) in the Change of Command Ceremony in early February 1980. 8th Tactical Fighter Wing CC Col Robert Byer, 2nd from right, presided.


Squadron in 1992


Sweep - July 1979