Juvats in 1974

Juvats Jul 74

This photo of the 1974 Juvats was originally sent in by Chris "Hannibal" Hayes on 14 September 2004 and identified as follows:

(L-R) Rick Blake (I think), Tom Ganger aka Kid Danger, unk, Gerry ?, unk, Dave Perron, Tom Herlihy, John Kraweic(sp), unk, unk, Chris Hayes, unk, Greg Shebest, Bruce Pretorius, unk, unk, Don Payne, Al Aimar, Robert Hibarger (Sq CC), John Fryer (my backseater), unk, unk, unk, unk, unk, Ron White, Chuck Patrum, Don Danborn aka Dandy Don, unk, Frank ?, unk, Roy Cornella, John Brown, Willie Mays (Killed in a Thunderbird accident in '82), Mike Friel, John Howard, unk

Glen Owen identified the photo on 10 May 2006 as:(L-R) Rick Blake, Tom Ganger (Kid Danger), Gene Harris, Gerry Springer, Glen Owen, Dave Perron, Tom Herlihy, John Kraweic, Roger  Alexander, Steve Cain, Chris Hayes, Chuck Clifton, unk, Greg Shebest, Bruce Pretorius, unk, Rich Bennet, Don Payne, Al Aimar,Robert Hibarger (Sq CC), John Fryer, ? Foster, Earl Fresel, Larry?, Dale Johnson, Bill Paul, Ron White, Chuck Patrum,Don Danborn (Dandy Don), Ken Thurman, Dick Frank, Larry Cooper, Roy Cornella, John Brown,Willie Mays (Killed in a Thunderbird accident in '82), Mike Friel, Mike Howard, Bill Fritch.

Chris & Glen working together further identified four of the individuals.  Rick Wall may have been one of the "unks".

Thanks to Glen & Hannibal for the great pic


Big Dog visits Kunsan Apr 2002


Bruni's at Kunsan - June 2007