Juvats & Pantons donate to Orphanage - Christmas 2002

The 2 messages and 7 photos below were received from our active Squadron on 5 January 2003.  The explanation below, along with the smiles on the children's faces, are self-explanatory!  Enjoy!


For you to share with the association on the Web site.

On Christmas Day 2002, the Juvats combined with the Pantons to donate Shoes, Food, Gifts, and $1700 for the local Orphanage.  This was the 23rd annual Christmas that we have donated to the Orphanage.  Since this is such a long tradition, I'm sure many of our members will have fond memories of donating to the orphanage when they were stationed here.  This year the visit was organized by Lt Bart "Kid" Wilbanks.  It was a huge success.  I'm not sure which the children enjoyed more, the gifts or playing with their visitors.

I've attached several photos for you to use as you see fit.

This is just another great example of what fine people we have serving in the 80th Fighter Squadron.

Juvat Lead


Commander,  80th Fighter Squadron


How many places do you think you can send out an email and raise $1,400 in a matter of a few hours?  Well, the Juvats did that!  I had people hunting me down to give me money.  I didn't even have to try.  Between the two squadrons we raised about $2,200.  That's awesome!!

Thanks for the 23rd Annual Juvat/Panton Christmas Orphanage Trip.  It definitely made my Christmas to be able to do that for those kids.

1Lt Bart "Kid" Wilbanks

Thanks to all in our active Squadron for carrying on our great tradition of helping the kids in this orphanage.  As you can see, it's truly a worthwhile cause.

When I was there in '79-'80 we used to dress up in our Sweep shirts with blue jeans and our flight boots, jump on our motorcycles, and ride over as a Squadron to visit!   We looked like a swarm of bumblebees!!  We got a lot of smiles from others on the road over and back.  The kids would squeal with delight when they saw us, and we would spend the afternoon with them playing and giving rides around their compound.  They had a ball---and so did we!  Great memories for me, and these photos rekindled them--thanks!!  JayBird


Sweep - July 1979


Squadron Maintenance and Pilots in 2002