Korea photos - runway at Suwon AB (K-13) in 1953

E-mail received 2 September 2002:

"I've attached a couple of photos that might be of interest to Korean War era "Headhunters". One is on my website and was given me by a pilot in my uncle's squadron (36th FBS) and shows three F-86F Sabres from the 80th FBS getting ready to take off down the runway at Suwon AB (K-13) in 1953. The other photo showing an 80th FBS F-80C with bombs was taken by a former Public Information Officer (PIO) at K-13 early in 1953.  Regards, Jim Escalle"

Our thanks to Jim for sending in these two great photos.

Notice the Squadron tail stripes in both photos.

80th FBS F-80C Suwon early '53

80th FBS F-86Fs Suwon K-13 late '53


Korea - Squadron photo by Gene Zehr


Korea - 1952 F80 photo