Update from "Blue" Ward (79'-80')

"My Brothers Tex, Lude, Nogas:

The site looks rich with great promise.  Stories, tales and history too bountiful not to be told in the finest format for the ages.

Thanks for the (otherwise) thankless efforts chicos, much appreciated by many.

Greetings from always-blue skies of SoCal High Desert, 7 KM from former George AFB aka Southern California Logistics Airport which never should have been closed!

Mark "Blue" Ward

Juvat '79-'80

P.S.:  A few pics circa 1979-80 of life at The Kun:  Kicking Panton ass on football field, posing with housekeeper Mamasan Chong Mama, DMZ tour, Kadena TDY, etc."


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Headhunter Headlines 1 February 2014