Christmas 2015 Message

Rita and I want to wish y'all a very Merry Christmas and a profitable, healthy  and Happy New Year.

At this time of year, please take a moment and remember those of our brothers and sisters who have Flown West in 2015 and those on active duty who are serving in harm's way, that God may bring them home safe, sound and healthy-  physically, mentally  and morally.

Please continue to support your Association through the coming (sts) year and keep those cards and emails  arriving.  You may not think so, but most folks enjoy hearing about YOUR latest assignment, promotion, child and/or grandchild.

For you seasoned citizens, please take some time and write down your memoirs, memories of a particular mission or person or event or even just a Headhunter-related tall tale.

We have a responsibility to "show the way" to follow-on generations of Headhunters.

Audentis Fortuna Juvat!


Juvat Lead Newsletter January 2016


Bill "Easy" Reiter