Master Roster Updated 1 Jan 2017

Log in and you can view it here:

I finally got Lude off his ass and had him make me take a serious look at a more user-friendly way to display and actually be able to use the MR online. ;>)

He swears he’ll force me to choose a better method than the current one soon.

If you're having trouble it's probably because your data entry staff failed to input your membership status. Drop me a line: or simply click on Contact Us

If you need to update your information, you can go here:

Update Your Personal Data Here

It's a beta test version, so we'll try it out for now. You may not see changes to the MR for a while because the data entry staff is also holding out for pay raises... PLEASE USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.


Why You Can't Get Access To The Whole Site


LTM Jonathan Hayes’ 2016 Memorial Day Speech To Oregon State ROTC