Happy Memorial Day
Hello Headhunters
I hope everyone is well and enjoying this Memorial Day weekend. As you gather with friends and family please remember our fallen and what the true spirit of this holiday represents. If you would, take the time to offer a toast to our brothers and sisters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great nation.
In other news we are about to make the final transition to our websites new home. If you haven’t checked it out please see:
This should seamlessly transition from our current site once we go live. I would like to give a shout out to our IT team Lude and Hilary for making this happen. Thus far the feedback has been outstanding.
In other news some behind the scenes efforts have been underway and we are officially a nonprofit once again! Who knew there was so much paperwork involved to not turn a profit. We hope this will help us to keep HH leadership out of tax trouble and streamline some revenue generation. Speaking of revenue generation our coffers remain fairly depleted as I don’t want dues to be a barrier to entry for our organization.
With that being said HH02 Scar Pukalo went to great lengths to find the most “un-woke” crowdfunding apparatus in the hopes of bribing some beer money from your pockets. As previously mentioned the endeavors undertaken since the leadership change have been mostly self funded an we are looking for some revenue augmentation. I would however like to thank the few that have reached out directly with very generous donations; THANK YOU!
The site that Scar set up can be found at:
Donation QR Code
In closing we have some things that we would love to do to preserve some of the priceless historical artifacts of our lineage, but the cost to do it correctly is currently cost prohibitive. On the horizon is our next reunion, expect some comm in the next few months about potential locations and dates. Have a great weekend, happy Memorial Day, and never forget WiG?